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OVC Feeding Program

High rates of HIV/AIDS in Dududu have found expression in a large number of AIDS orphans and HIV positive children in the community.  Officially these children are defined as 'OVCs', Orphans and Vulneranble Children.  Many of these youngsters are in foster care, or are taken care of by overburdened family members.  These children often struggle to meet basic nutritional requirements on a daily basis - a situation that is especially perilous for HIV positive children, who have special nutritional needs to ensure the efficacy of antiretroviral therapy.  For approximately 80 children, the meals provided by the Drop-In Centre are the only substantial meals they recieve all day.  The feeding scheme is crucial for healthy growth and success in school, and provides youngsters with emergency assistance while a more long-term solution is sought.


Community based care givers conduct home vists around the community to identify these orphans and vulnerable children, and refer them to the appropriate social services as well as the Dududu Drop-In Centre.  Once identified as food insecure, a child is eligible to recieve up to two meals per day for a period of three months, after which the status of the child will be re-evaluated.  We believe in having a feeding program exit strategy for each child, and work closely with relevent social services to ensure that every child's home is food secure after three months.

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